Sergey Berezin
...when in December 2002 Sergei Berezin came to me with a crazy idea, as it seemed back then, to open the first privately owned MRI center in the country, nobody could have imagined that this seemingly doubtful project would evolve into what we observe today.
Sergei tragically died in January 2005, but the idea which he came up with and put his heart into - lives...
Arkadi Stolpner
Chairman of the board of Directors of MIBS
Federal diagnostic network
The history of the Sergey Berezin Medical Institute (before 2015, LDC MIBS) dates back to 2003 when the first Russian private magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner was installed in St. Petersburg. Two years later, the first regional MRI center was opened in Tver, which launched the development of the federal network of medical imaging centers.
Today, MIBS includes more than 80 diagnostic centers for magnetic resonance and multi-slice computed tomography, located in more than 60 cities of Russia and the CIS countries. Every year, more than 1.5 million MRI and CT scans, or more than 4,000 scans daily, are performed in the medical imaging centers equipped with modern tomography scanners manufactured by Siemens, a recognized leader among manufacturers of diagnostic scanners. In the cities where our centers operate, queues for magnetic resonance imaging have been completely eliminated.
Telemedicine network - a guarantee of the quality of diagnostics
MIBS diagnostic centers are connected by a single telemedicine network with a Consulting Center in St. Petersburg. Only the most qualified specialists with vast experience in radiology are admitted to work in it, and any doctor of any of the MIBS branches has the opportunity to use their help when facing a complicated diagnostic case.
Every day, consulting physicians answer questions that rank and file doctors encounter only a few times in their entire medical practice, thus accumulating invaluable experience. The high quality of medical reports of our specialists, as well as the quality of diagnostic images, are verified and recognized by leading radiologists and doctors of clinical specialties in Germany, France, Switzerland, Israel, and the USA.
At the forefront of modern diagnostics
Rapidly developing, the Sergey Berezin Medical Institute has been steadily increasing its competence in high-precision diagnostics, tirelessly introducing new technologies and methods. In 2009, the first MIBS Comprehensive Diagnostics Center, equipped with Siemens VERIO 3.0T ultra-high-field magnetic resonance tomography scanners, Siemens Sensation multi-coil computed tomography scanner, and digital mammography scanner with a CAD station, was established in St. Petersburg. Now several 3 T MRI scanners operate in the MIBS network.
It was here that the company's first Nuclear Medicine Center was opened three years later, with a cyclotron producing radiopharmaceuticals for PET-CT studies. Positron emission tomography is a high-precision method of radiation diagnostics, indispensable in modern oncology, but still underrepresented in Russia. The creation of the MIBS network of nuclear medicine centers has increased the availability of PET in many regions: since 2019, similar MIBS departments based in Novosibirsk, Barnaul, and Tomsk have been added to the two St. Petersburg centers. Construction of new centers is underway in Tver, Perm, Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other regions.
Full cycle oncology clinic
For the company, which has become the flagship of the national medical imaging, the development of the treatment service has become a logical step. In 2008, the first Russian private oncology clinic opened its doors in the village of Pesochny on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. Today, the MIBS Clinic, one of the most modern medical institutions of this profile in the country, provides comprehensive treatment for patients with cancer, including high-precision diagnostics, onco-surgery, modern radiation therapy and systemic treatment (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy).
Leadership in Radiation Therapy
From the first day of the Clinic's operation in Pesochny, MIBS has taken a leading position in Russian radiotherapy and radiosurgery. Since 2008, the Gamma Knife, which is the "gold standard" in radiosurgery for brain pathologies, has been successfully operating in St. Petersburg. The MIBS clinic, performing more than 1600 treatments annually, has been repeatedly recognized by the manufacturer, Elekta, as the most actively operating unit in the world. The second in the company's arsenal (and the seventh in the country) Gamma Knife has been operating at the MIBS Nuclear Center in Novosibirsk since 2019.
Another modern radiosurgical machine rarely found in the Russian Federation - Cyber-Knife, which allows treating lesions of almost any localization – went into service in Pesochny in 2011. Thousands of patients have been receiving safe and effective treatment since 2012 in the Department of Conformal Radiation Therapy using modern linear accelerators (including the first in Russia TrueBeam unit).
First Russian proton center
In the fall of 2017, a truly unique facility was added to the wide range of MIBS advanced radiotherapy equipment: the first in Russia and CIS clinical center for proton therapy with two treatment rooms began operating on the outskirts of St. Petersburg. The ProBeam system installed here provides advanced proton treatment technology - "pencil beam scanning", allowing for fast, accurate and efficient irradiation of tumors of the most complex configuration and location.
Beginning 2020, the Center has operated at its planned capacity, annually treating over 800 people from all regions of the country, as well as from near and far abroad. Nearly half of our patients are under the age of 18, as proton therapy, being the safest form of radiation, is recognized worldwide as the optimal radiation treatment for children. More than 95% of patients undergo proton therapy under regional and federal quotas or with the support of charitable foundations.
Having at their disposal the widest range of modern equipment, MIBS doctors feel no technological limitations when choosing the optimal method of radiation treatment for the patient, combining the capabilities of various devices if necessary.
Looking forward
In 2021, construction of a hospital building began next to the Proton Therapy Center with the support of the government of St. Petersburg. The twelve-story building will house the most innovative and promising technologies for the treatment of cancer diseases in both adults and children: molecular genetics, theranostics, FLASH technology and others.
The modern multidisciplinary medical facility will include children's and adult hospitals, departments for diagnostics, external and internal radiation therapy, a clinical diagnostic laboratory, surgery with an anesthesia, resuscitation and intensive care department. The simulation training center will train roentgenologists, radiologists and radiotherapists from all over the country.